You might like this from Dr. Soares: https://www.thecompletecatholic.com/post/wellness-of-the-mind-body-spirit

Our internal and external behaviors are the culmination of everything we experience and what we ultimately decide to do in freedom (to which you alluded). Your post echoes St. Paul (Rm 7:19). Saying a prayer for you to have grace and (God-willing) physical relief from your illness. Happy Easter, Angela! May we all leave the tomb as Jesus did.

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Thank you, Joey - Amen! I guess this really is the Season for those new beginnings.

I appreciate you sharing Dr. Soares' post. Another practice I've let go is CB Therapy sessions - insurance stopped covering my previous provider. I've realized that I need to re-prioriitize that, so I'm pursuing a new provider. Would you spare a quick prayer for that process? Thanks again. Blessings to you and your family. 🙏🏻

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Most definitely did

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